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Morgan Miller, Smart Campus Academic Technologist

As a Smart Campus Academic Technologist, my primary role is enhancing the educational experience at the University of Kentucky by promoting the effective use of Apple technology. This role involves engaging directly with students, faculty, and staff to facilitate training and awareness programs centered on the student iPad Kit initiative. 

I contribute to weekly tasks aimed at increasing campus engagement. This involves planning and conducting workshops, partnering with student organizations, hosting office hours to help address using Apple technology in education, and coordinating activities with the University of Kentucky Smart Campus Team. 

Office Hours: M W 12 - 1 PM EST 

Location: The Cornerstone 

Daniel Huber, IS Technical Support Specialist II

Hello Wildcats! My name is Daniel Huber, and I am the Supervisor for the Student Tech Help service in the William T. Young Library and at the Gatton Student Center. I have been working in customer service for the better part of 10 years. My experience has let me to my current position, supervising and developing a skilled student staff at the Student Tech Help Desk for the University of Kentucky. Where students, staff, and faculty can come for in-person tech support. Please feel free to stop by my office hours to chat about linkblue accounts, Duo Mobile, Eduroam, or anything UKITS related.  


Office Hours: T TH 12 - 1 PM EST 

Location: The Cornerstone 

Kevin Reifert, IS Technical Support Specialist III

Hello, my name is Kevin Reifert and I am the Manager of the Media Depot in the Hub @ the Willy T. Young Library. I have worked at UK for over 10 years starting as a student employee when the Media Depot first opened. My career led to me working with AV services and then back to Student Computing Labs and Classrooms all under UKITS before returning to the Media Depot in a management role. The Media Depot is a by students, for students, media tutoring and recording service where all students at the university can come and get help with their media projects! 

Office Hours: TH F 11 AM - 12 PM EST 

Location: The Cornerstone 

Kirk Laird, Information Technology Manager II

Hello! I’m Kirk Laird, with 18 years of experience in educational technology and a master’s in Instructional Design. I’ve supported learning management systems, lecture capture, educational software, classroom design, and more. As a UK 101 instructor and tutor advisory board member, I’m passionate about student success and equipping instructors with the tools they need. I’m also part of Smart Campus, a partnership focused on student support. Feel free to reach out or stop by my office hours if you have any questions or technology needs.

Office Hours

Please reach out to schedule time or consult via email.
